So up here in WA Think Thank is the local hoo-ra. Don't blame'em - these guys are rad. They have some of the most progressive riders in the biz and all conveniently located here in the greater Seattle area. Jesse Burtner, founder and owner of Think Thank as expected did it again with his sixth video.
It was based on a time line of last season and all the riders shared a different, their part, of the story. I thought it was really fun the way it was laid out. The riding. The traveling and definitely the music all really rad but just like Videograss...a tad long? i dunno maybe I'm just getting old who knows. Go check it out if it comes to a town near you. Heres the teaser...
Cool Story - Think Thank's 2009-2010 Snowboarding Film from vas entertainment on Vimeo.
The night also brought us "As Green As It Gets" which is Sno-Cons and YKWII team video.
these guys? awesome. here's another little teaser for ya...
YKWII MEDIA TRAILER #2 AS GREEN AS IT GETS from tommy little on Vimeo.
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