i've been lagging hard core
but gimme some sympathy will ya? -
i've been borrowing the roommies laptop 'til about a week ago - i now have a new one of my own
so posts should be much much more frequent
whats been goin on thus far in a nutshell:
just passed my level 2 riding exam
snow has been comin down
awesome riding conditions
boy roommate. Kris, smells horrible - as usual
Brooke continues to break herself off and got fired thus lost her pass
Tammie is doin the Roxy Chicken Jam
i keep getting asked if im doing the Roxy Chicken Jam - im not
i might get laid off soon unless i can get transferred to main
Brooke and I did NOT get the jobs at HCSC - which sucks cuz we really wanted to work there
Brooke and i are now trying to figure out what we'll being doing for the summer since we dont want to go home
talk of moving back to Seattle has been up in the air for me
and or Hood anyways
also friends want us to go to Norway to visit them
SIA was fun
Reno was better
went home for a bit
went to bear - realized how stoked i moved to mammoth and not there
friends built and ice cave
met and became really good friends with all the danish boys
oh brooke was in and out of the hospital for multiple reasons
most serious being a bleeding ulzer
that she wasnt alowed to drink for a month from
i think that killed her more than the ulzer
but she's caught up to the month that she lost
and i honestly worry, like any good friend would, when she's gonna push it too far.
not a lot has been goin on
but at the same time i guess it has
here are some visuals of the past events

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