but this one and the one to follow should be good
so ASR (action sport retail), which is like this huge convention where all the action sport companies come and showcase their stuff for retailers to check out and order for their shops.
mainly only manufacturers and retailers get to go
but i know some people
so i got to go with DVS and Matix
which was pretty nice.
my friend JJ is the one who got me on the list, drove down from CO. so i drove down friday night and met up with him and his buddy Ryan at the DVS photo show
got some shirts and hung out
then we headed to a theater called Sparkles? i think?
it was showing some videos - we made it in time to see this Australian surfing gang documentary called Bra Boys - pretty interesting check it
then i think we just ended up wondering around going place to place till 4am then JJ and i ended up sleeping in my car. not the best sleep i've had.
Saturday - i woke up and headed down to the convention center and JJ introduced me to some of his friends from CO
really cool guys (ended up hangin out with them more than JJ)
they have this company called Sansusa, and what they do is they do custom skateboard graphics for companies. say you have a shop and you want a shop deck
send'em your graphics and they put them on a board for ya. they also do some clothing and denim work - peep it
so moose, Travis, Sean, and i ended up all hanging out that night. went to a "lounge" and then kind of got over walking around haha so they invited me to stay with them at the condo they rented in Ocean Beach that was a block away from the water. i accepted.
Sunday - we woke up and headed down to there booth wasnt a lot of action goin on the last day
so we just kinda hung out and what not. but by this time i'd already gone to most of the vendors i was interested in and stocked up on shwag.(i had so much from saturday) so i just meandered and got whatever i could which turned out to be a lot especially from the volcom booth haha. i think like 3 shirts 4 pairs of panties videos cds posters pins like EVERYTHING.
it was pretty rad
then i found an old buddy,Mike, that i knew from Big Bear who at the time repp'd for Nitro who now was workin for Skullcandy. so he hooked me up with a couple sets of headphones - i was stoked.
best part of my day though, by far one of the best days of my life, while i was heading over to the Skullcandy booth i just happen to run into Tara Dakides AKA my snowboarding Idol - so i asked her for a pic, had a small but i would say Good conversation about Mammoth and whatnot then i left to go freak out about what i had just accomplished.
to say the least.
aftr calming down i went wround and checked everything out s'more. ended up playing on the indo boards for a while and then buying one for $50 - deal of the year for sure
after that i helped tear down the booth with the guys
said goodbye to JJ-i'd see him next weekend at HD&HR at Bear - and then headed back to the condo.
we went to the beach played in the water then came back to the condo showered, watched the sunset on the roof, and then went to this little mexican joint and had some goood carne asada burrito's.
walked around a little bit then went back to the condo and hung out.
one of the other guy, Ryan, had a friend from AK come and stay with us that night. Patrick, he was really cool.
i'll prolly end up in AK sometime to hang out with him at his shop.
i ended up staying sunday night again and leaving Monday morning.
i had a blast
i cant wait till january to go again in Las Vegas - should be even better since i'll be 21 and allowed to go to ALL the after Parties
oh haha and the one other AWESOME thing
Justin Eldridge-Pro skater for 'es and Chocolate
asked me for my number
(i'll admit i didn't realize who he was untill i got home-but still the fact that he, a cute guy, loudly pointed to me and said, " Damn, now she is cute!" as i walked by was clearly enough for me to be stoked on)
enjoi the pics

DVS photo show

DVS photo show crowd

Downtown art "graffiti saved my life"

'es Skate park setup

half pipe

the amazing Tara Dakides and I

Year Long Disaster - Volcom Booth

Kyle and I - yeah my OR friend hitchhiked from CO to get to ASR

yeah - i was WAY over dressed

Travis over flowin with steeze


Moose - he later named me woobie because i had my baby blanket with me - go figure

Moose and I with the roof top sunset

Travis, Moose, and I on the roof

O.B. sunset

My Volcom Pass
Just another fun weekend.